Getting started to Linux is easy. However, for new comers from windows can fetch little problems. We’ve prepared this complete beginner set specially for new comers. However, gradually, we’ve touched important factors like process management, System Monitoring, Remote access etc.
Introduction to Linux
In this part, we introduce the Linux platform. We start with the OS and the Kernel. The kernel is not an operating system, but the core of an operating system. We discuss the installation. Next we discuss the terminal to get into the commands.
- What is Linux ?
- About Linux Kernel
- Windows vs Linux OS
- Linux vs Unix OS
- Distributions of Linux
- How to Install Ubuntu
- Terminal and Shells in Linux
- The BASH in Linux
Linux File System Basics
An important thing about linux is everything is in the filesystem. The devices are in the filesystem. The processes are also in the filesystem! Means, you can access the properties of a process, by accessing a file. We discuss the basics of file system here. In later chapter we discuss more about managing processes.
- What is a Directory in Linux ?
- Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Absolute and Relative Paths
- Linux Home Directory
- pwd Command
- cd Command
- ls Command
- mkdir Command
- rmdir Command
- chown Command
- Setting File Permissions
- df command
- du command
Linux User Management
User management is a core feature of an OS. Linux allows management of users effectively. The management is simple but powerful. In the chapter we discuss almost everything regarding permissions of users.
- Introduction to Users in Linux
- Managing users in Linux
- Assigning Permissions for users
- Managing User Groups in Linux
Linux File Management
In this part, we discuss basic operations of files. Remember, almost everything in linux is accessible through files. Even information about a process can be found via files. Here, we discuss copying, moving, deleting and linking files in linux.
- What is inode in File System
- touch Command
- Copying Files using cp Command
- Moving or Renaming files using mv Command
- ln Command
- rm Command
Linux File Reading, Writing, Appending
In this chapter we go through the files. We read a file. Then write or append to it. We can also monitor a file contents in tail command.
- cat Command
- tac Command
- head Command
- tail Command
- tee Command
- more Command
- less Command
Searching in Linux
- grep tool
- Finding files using find tool
- which tool
- locate tool
File Compressors
Transferring files from one system to another system needs compressions. Linux has many tools to compress and decompress files/directories. The most popular compressor for linux is the tar tool. We discuss the tar tool here. Additionally we discuss the zip tool.
- tar Tool
- gzip Tool
- zip Tool
- unzip Tool
- bzip2 / bunzip2 Tool
Linux Process Management
Managing processes is an advanced task. Each applications runs in a process. Even the OS, runs in a process. In this chapter we discuss almost everything regarding process. We start with spawning new process. Then inspect the ps command. And then we discuss the killing a process.
- How Linux Manages its Application Processes
- ps Command
- kill Command
- killall Command
- pkill Command
- xKill Command
- nohup Command
- & suffix in Linux
Linux bash Scripts
- Environment Variables
- Basic syntax of Bash Scripts
Linux Security
- File Permissions and Access level
- Octal File Permissions
- Advanced File Permissions
- Changing owners using chown
- Changing Permissions using chmod
- Linking files in linus using ln
Linux Networking
- How network is managed in Linux
- List of Tools for Networking in Linux
- ifconfig Command
- ip Command
- telnet Command
- traceroute Command
- tracepath Command
- ping Command
- netstat Command
- ss Command
- dig Command
- nslookup Tool
- route command
- whois Tool
- curl Tool
- wget Tool
Remote Access
- Connecting remote server using ftp
- Connecting remote system using ssh
- ftp server deployment
- ssh server deployment
- Connecting remote server using samba
- samba sever deployment
System Monitoring and Management
- The linux top tool
- The linux htop tool
Terminal Text Editors
The linux based servers mostly controlled with terminals. There’s no graphical UI to manage the system. However, linux from the very beginning came with so many sweet tools to control even the deepest corner in the system. Terminal text editors are one of them. In this chapter, we discuss the most popular terminal texteditors: nano and vim.
- The linux nano editor
- The linux vim editor