Through we are trying to provide important information, news, tutorials about open source software. It’s free for everyone.
Specially those new entrepreneurs, student, professional, and nonprofessional. Here we have all the open source software. And We will discuss it to make it easier for students/professionals or anyone dealing with Open Source Software.
Linux kernel and relevant topics are in the We discuss the issues related to Open Source too. Which will be a lot for new comers and professionals. They can easily find their solution.
Discussions about various open source software and tools.
How do we install and how we solve technical errors? Elaborated discussion is provided in our tutorials. In addition, our community platform will play a helpful role about open source software. Which, will play a efficient role in linux based development.
Linux based server, database, monitoring, management is/will be discussed here. Moreover, There will also be a solution to various technical issues. We will support users and newcomers with various technical problems.
Topics We’ve covered
Among the topics of our discussion and cooperation are notable issues.
1. Open Source Software – for professional, enterprise.
2. Server.
3. Linux Kernel.
4. Mobile Application.
5. New Technologies.
6. Cloud Computing.
7. Database Storage.
8. Networking.
Additionally, We will discuss these services in detail. And will introduce the new feature’s news. It will be easy for everyone to know and learn. All of these topics can be discussed in our Community Forum.
Our platform presented with (a) new servers, (b) databases, (c) networking, (d) monitoring, (e) computer software, (f) mobile applications, (g) various useful tools, (f) technology news, (g) tutorials, (h) blogs and some learning tools.
Professional will have technical error solution tools firstly. Also the news, question answers, tutorials, blogs etc.
Welcome to technology world. We are with you. Thank you. Enjoy your own freedom on open source.