The Unix and Linux cat command is the most universal and powerful tool. It can be used to display the content of a file, copy content from one file to […]
How to rm or Delete file in Linux ?
rm Stands for remove. This command is used to remove a file. You should be careful using this command. Once the rm command deletes a file, it deletes […]
Linux File Links Introduction
Every Linux and Unix filesystem has many hard links and symbolic links. Every link is a connectivity between the filename and the actual data byte in the disk space of the […]
Moving or Renaming Files using mv Command in Linux
The linux ‘mv’ command is used to move existing file or directory from one location to another. When you want to rename a single directory or file then ‘mv’ option will be […]
Copying files in Linux using cp Command
The command cp stands for – copy. It is used to copy files in the file system. The basic syntax is $ cp <source> <destination> The <source> is […]
Linux touch command description.
The Unix or Linux command touch is a way to create empty files. Here now you can update the modification and access time of each file with the help of […]
Linux Inodes Introduction
An Inode number is a uniquely existing number for all the files in Linux and all Unix type systems. If a file is create on a system, a file name […]
Managing Groups in Linux
Unix or Linux Users are always listed in different groups. Linux Group allow us to set permission on the group level instead of setting the permission on individual […]
Managing File Ownership and Permissions in Linux
Linux or Unix security features are creative indeed. Linux or Unix system have three types of owner. Which are: User : The User is the one who created the file. Default […]
Managing Users in Linux
Since linux is open source, we know everything about user management in linux. We even know the files where the necessary information about the user is stored. Managing […]