
Linux Cat Command and Options description

The Unix and Linux cat command is the most universal and powerful tool. It can be used to display the content of a file, copy content from one file to another. The contents of multiple files, display the line number, display $ at the end of the line, etc.

Sample syntax of cat command :

# cat <file name>

like example of cat command :

# cat doc

Linux cat command use with many other options > [fileName] To create a file. [oldfile] > [newfile] To copy content from older to new file. [file1 file2 and so on] > [new file name] To concatenate contents of multiple files into one. -n/cat -b [fileName] To display line numbers. -e [fileName] To display $ character at the end of each line. [fileName] <<EOF Used as page end marker.

Linux cat command to create a file

The ‘cat’ command can be used to create a new file with greater than sign (>).

Sample syntax of cat command to create a new file :

# cat > <file name>

Like example of cat command :

See your terminal after run the command, we have created a new file called “test”. Now let’s see how to create it.

Append the Content of A File

Unix or Linux cat command with double greater than sign (>>) append add something in the last of a file. You can try with example below.

Sample syntax of append content in a file :

Sample syntax of append with symbol >> :

# cat <content file name> >> <append file name>

Like example of append :

# cat doc >> test

Linux cat command to concatenate files

The Unix and Linux cat command can be used to concatenate the contents of multiple files in a single new file.

Sample Syntax of the multiple apply :

# cat <file name1> <file name2> > <new file name>

Like example :

# cat test test1 > test2

Linux cat -n command to display line numbers

Linux ‘cat -n’ option displays line numbers in front of each line in a file.

Sample syntax of cat -n command :

# cat -n <file name>

Like example of cat -n :

# cat -n test

Above the picture you can see the line number in the file content. Blank number also can be show line number.

Linux cat -b file name command

The ‘cat -b’ option removes the empty lines.

Sample syntax of cat -b command :

# cat -b <file name> [ b means blank line]

Like example of cat – b command :

# cat -b test

Above the picture blank line can’t show line number.

Linux cat -e command to display ( $ )

The Linux system cat-e option displays a $ sign at the end of every line.

Sample syntax of cat -e command :

# cat -e <file name>

Like example of cat -e command :

# cat -e test

Above the file you can see, every line space show dollar
‘$’ sign.

Linux cat command as an end marker

Linux ‘cat << EOF ‘ option displays an end marker at the end of a file. It is called here directive and file content will be saved at the given end marker.

The file can be saved with the help of ‘ctrl + d ‘ keys also. It works like the end marker.

Sample syntax of cat <<EOF command :

# cat << EOF

Like example of cat <<EOF :

# cat > test2 << EOF

Linux cat filters command

When cat command is used inside pipes, it can to help filters.

Sample syntax cat command filters :

# cat | cat or tac | cat or tac |. . .

Like example of cat filters command :

# cat test.txt | tac | cat | cat | tac

This command help to you filtering system on your file line and file arguments.

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