A network can be as small as some computers connected in your home or office or can be large or complicated as in large University or the entire Internet. Every linux Environment.
Operating System (OS) which supports networking has some type of Network Stack. Linux is no exception. Because Linux Network Stack is what allows the applications to be able to access a network through a physical networking device.
Network admins monitor and troubleshoot network connectivity in the system. Here is a list of tools, to monitor or troubleshoot networks in the Linux system and it’s environment.
Linux Networking Troubleshooting command
ifconfig – Display and manipulate route and network interfaces.
ip – It is a replacement of ifconfig command.
traceroute – Network troubleshooting utility.
tracepath – It’s like traceroute but doesn’t require root privileges.
ping – send icmp echo_request to network hosts.
netstat – Display connection information.
ss – It is a replacement of netstat.
dig – Query DNS related information.
nslookup – Find DNS related query.
route – Shows and manipulate IP routing table.
host – Performs DNS lookups.
arp – It can be view or add contents of the kernel’s ARP table.
iwconfig – Used to configure wireless network interface.
hostname – To identify a network name.
curl – transferring data with URLs.
wget – To download files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS.
mtr – Into a single command it combines ping and tracepath.
whois – Will tell you about the website’s whois.
ifplugstatus -Tells whether a cable is plugged in or not.
The above list is the most common tool used in Linux to do network-related tasks so. Below is a big list of tools available for Linux.
Linux networking command more than 50
arpwatch – Ethernet Activity Monitor.
bmon – bandwidth monitor and rate estimator.
bwm-mg – live network bandwidth monitor.
darkstat – captures network traffic, usage statistics.
dhclient – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dstat – vmstat, iostat, mpstat, netstat and ifstat are replacement by the command.
ethtool – Controlling network drivers and hardware for utility.
gated – gateway routing daemon.
hping – TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.
ibmonitor – shows bandwidth and total data transferred.
ifstat – report network interfaces bandwidth.
iftop – display bandwidth usage.
iperf3 – network bandwidth measurement tool.
iprout3 – collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP.
iptables – take control of network traffic.
IPTraf – An IP Network Monitor.
iputils – set of small useful utilities for Linux networking.
iw – a new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices.
jwhois (whois) – client for the whois service.
lsof -i – It can reveal information about your network sockets.
mtr – network diagnostic tool.
net-tools – arp, hostname, ifconfig, netstat, rarp, route, plipconfig, slattach, mii-tool, iptunnel and ipmaddr.
More than a command
ncat – improved re-implementation of the venerable netcat.
netcat – networking utility for reading/writing network connections.
nethogs – a small ‘net top’ tool.
Netperf – Network bandwidth Testing.
netsniff-ng – This is swiss army knife for daily Linux network plumbing.
netwatch – monitoring Network Connections.
ngrep – grep applied to the network layer.
nload – display network usage.
nmap – network discovery and security auditing.
nmcli – a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and reporting network status.
nmtui – It provides a text interface to configure networking by controlling NetworkManager.
rout – show / manipulate the IP routing table.
slurm – network load monitor.
snort – Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention System.
smokeping – keeps track of your network latency.
socat – It establishes two bidirectional byte streams and transfers data between them.
More than a command
speedometer – Command Measure and display the rate of data across a network.
speedtest-cli – test internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
ssh – is secure system administration and file transfers over insecure networks.
tcpdump – command-line packet analyzer.
tcptrack – It displays information about tcp connections on a network interface.
telnet – user interface to the TELNET protocol.
vnStat – network traffic monitor.
websocat – It also connection forwarder from/to web sockets to/from usual sockets, in style of socat.
Wireless Tools – includes iwconfig, iwlist, iwspy, iwpriv and ifrename.
Wireshark – network protocol analyzer.
Please practice all of the command and learn Linux networking configuration. Because I hope it is so much helpful command. Thank you.